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Redesign of a Boti - An Ergonomic Approach

An ergonomic study regarding the usability of the existing Boti design and a redesign for easier long-term usage.

Anchor 2
Redesign of a Vegetable Cutter - An Ergonomic Study

Project Timeline: 2 weeks

Mentor: Prof. Swati Pal

Type: Group work (Nayanika Dey, Lingaraj Ragas, Syamlal KS)

Done as a part of our Ergonomics class, the task was to understand the ergonomics of an existing kitchen product, analyse it by conducting various user tests, and then redesign it (if required) based on the results. The product chosen was a "boti" or "paniki" - a commonly used traditional vegetable cutter in Indian homes. The design of the boti has largely remained unchanged over the years. Its usage posture and space comes from the 'aangans' present in older homes. The current market design is yet to adapt itself to the smaller kitchens of urban apartments. Ergonomically, the posture required is difficult to remain in for long. We looked at various user subsets and tried to redesign the boti for a more comfortable and varied experience. 

Keywords: ergonomics, usability testing, hierarchal task flow, RULA and REBA guides.

Tools Used: Office Suite, Kinnovea, Rhino 6, Keyshot, Thermocol and wood.
Anchor 1
Defining the Users
Defining the Environment
Heirarchal Task Analysis
Movement Analysis
Field Study
Quality Function Deployment
Correlation Study
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